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New York Based Writer.

I truly found my writing voice in the souks of Marrakech, Morocco. I had just ended a 4 year toxic and traumatizing relationship: battling a drug addiction, suffering from depression, and emotionally abused. When I left him, I suddenly felt full of new life and purpose, but felt constantly plagued by old feelings and uncertainty of self. I left for Morocco just a few weeks after leaving him. I found solace in the pink alleyways of Marrakech, the simplicity and compassion of their people, the many conversations over mint tea and warm tajine. I wrote to my new lover at the time and sent him picturesque texts of my experience in this new found land. I found that I had this poetic way of describing the nuances of the everyday. So I began to write. It became this beautiful way of journaling my feelings. A daily practice. My past, present, and future began to fold into poetry and prose. I write not only of my trauma, but of my metamorphosis. I write of human connection and ever changing feelings. The beauties and triumphs of being a woman. The love and hate of self. The fullness of a lover and the stark emptiness of a once shared bed. I write about life. I hope that you find this blog inspiring, but also that you read and feel “at home”. A place where you can take off your boots, hang up your coat, and know that you are not alone.

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This is a menagerie of my making. Written trinkets and treasures of my soul.